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McGuff Company (McGuff) is licensed as a drug and medical device wholesaler / distributer in all States, Territories and Protectorates of the United States that require licensing.
McGuff Company is licensed or registered to wholesale / distribute controlled substances in all States, Territories and Protectorates of the United States where controlled substances are delivered.
McGuff is registered with the Food and Drug Administration as a 3rd Party Logistics Provider and is licensed in in all States, Territories and Protectorates of the United States where required.
McGuff is registered with "System for Award Management" to do business with the U.S. Government. Our Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code is 1EZ54.
In response to this threat, the Food and Drug Administration supports the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) in creation of the Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors® (VAWD®) program. The VAWD® accreditation program is the only one of its kind offering assurances to maintain the integrity of the US drug distribution system.
Verified-Accredited Wholesale Distributors (VAWD®) is an accreditation program of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) for wholesale distributors.
NABP developed VAWD® in response to the Food and Drug Administration's Counterfeit Drug Task Force findings and recommendation that NABP update its Model Rules for the Licensure of Wholesale Distributors. As a result, NABP revised its Model Rules for the Licensure of Wholesale Distributors, which were originally developed in 1987 to assist states with the implementation of the Prescription Drug Marketing Act, and created an accreditation program and information clearinghouse for wholesale distributors to combat counterfeit drugs.
VAWD® identifies legitimate and legally operating wholesale distributors and verifies compliance with state and federal laws (including Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA)) for wholesale distribution to ultimately help protect the public from the threat of counterfeit drugs, which could infiltrate the United States medication supply. Additionally, VAWD® accreditation relieves wholesale distributors of the burden of seller-to-buyer due diligence as may be required by law.
Once a wholesaler is VAWD® accredited, a scheduled on-site survey will occur once every three years. However, NABP may elect to survey the wholesale distributor facility at any time, after giving notice and consulting with the wholesale distributor, if NABP receives information indicating that the wholesale distributor may be out of compliance with any of the VAWD® criteria. NABP may also resurvey the facility if it has moved to a new location.
Representing more than 1,200 physicians in thirty countries, the ACAM Corporate Vision Award is the highest honor that ACAM can bestow upon one of their corporate partners. The award is given to companies who take an active interest in the Integrative Medicine industry, whose products or services are integral to the physicians who practice integrative medicine.
Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak worldwide, the global demand for some Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is exceeding current supply availability.
In addition, the manufacturing of the PPE and many other wound care/infection prevention products have been impacted by the global response to the Coronavirus. While you may see product availability reduction in the near-term, please be assured that we at McGuff Medical are continuing to work diligently to ensure an uninterrupted supply of products and alternative products to you.
Additionally, in order to ensure healthcare providers have access to the PPEs they need, the McGuff Company is temporarily limiting PPEs to healthcare providers.
As always, please feel free to reach out to our McGuff Customer Service team with any questions that you may have.